Saturday, October 13, 2012

Tea with Tumnus

National Coming Out Day was this week (October 11). That occurred to me as I was walking down a hall at work and "Mark" was coming out of his office. It was hard not to chuckle out loud, as "Mark" is so far in the closet he's sipping tea with Tumnus. Everyone in the office, except "Mark," knows he's gay. It's a bit funny, but it's more sad. When I expressed confusion that an adult could not know he's gay when it is so obvious to everyone else, a friend explained that she was in her early thirties before she came out or even fully accepted her own lesbianism. On some level, she'd always known, but tried to convince herself otherwise, because gay is wrong. And that's the story all around. We expend a lot of energy telling everyone that it's wrong to be gay. By the way, National Depression Screening Day is also October 11 ~ I'm assuming that's intentional.

According to the Surgeon General, homosexual males are four times more likely to attempt suicide than their heterosexual counterparts. Four times. Four times. I don't know about you all, but I find that number horrifying. The Ruth Institute (big supporters of strait [pun intended] marriage) tries to claim that less than 1% of the population is truly gay since many gays have dated members of the opposite sex in their teens. This is true. Not necessarily because of heterosexual feelings, more because of a culture that tells them they are sick and perverted. Passing a constitutional amendment to permanently ban gay marriage will do wonders to reassure lonely teens of their importance to society. And why, if less than 1% of the population is gay, does the Ruth Institute even care? How much damage to traditional marriage will they do?

We. Must. Stop. Torturing. Children. We have to stop encouraging bullies ~ and if you think passing that consarned amendment won't encourage bullying, you're kidding yourself. Being gay is no more perverted than being straight. Gay or straight, tall or short, black or white, that's how God made us ~ and it's about time we accept that and let adults marry the adult of their choice: gay, straight, tall, short, black, white, whatever. Even the Catholic Church has declared homosexuality to be nature, not a choice. Why would God make someone want to "pair bond" with a specific gender, make them attracted to only one gender, then deny them the option of bonding because it's the wrong gender? It's really such a little thing, why not tell gay teens it's okay to marry who you really want. It's okay to love who you love. It's okay to be who you really are

Vote NO!

Quote of the day, and isn't this the love we want all our children to find: "Let me go with you. Wherever you go, I will go; wherever you live, I will live. Your people will be my people." Ruth 1:16 (GNT) That's right, an Old Testament quote from a woman to woman. 

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