Tuesday, October 16, 2012

What About the Children?

Cue Helen Lovejoy, "Won't somebody please think of the children?" It's the latest attack in favor of the marriage amendment. Yes, in favor, remember, this amendment is to illegalize already-illegal same-sex marriage. Idiocracy in action. If it seems I hit this topic a lot, it's because it matters, and we're running out of time.

Apparently, the big risk in legalizing same-sex marriage is that children will be raised by someone other than their biological parents. It tells the children that one or both people who made them, doesn't love them enough to raise them. Children should only be raised by the mommy & daddy who made them.

BULLSHIT!!! The best way to be raised is by two people who love you & each other and that doesn't have a damn thing to do with genetics. Trust me, I'm an expert. My more-or-less-sane-and-well-adjusted children were raised by the couple who created them, who love them and love each other, for always (26 years and counting). It seems to have been good for them. But that is so not always true.

Minnesota for Marriage would have you believe I should have been raised by my sperm & egg donors. She was a teenager, he was married and a father. So, I guess, Minnesota for Marriage supports polygamy? Instead, I was adopted by a couple who couldn't have any more children, but wanted another. They're still in love after 57 years, and comparing me to "regular" kids, my mother once told me, "Their parents got stuck with them. We picked you out special." Mom, you totally rock.

Two boys, two girls, a boy & a girl? Who cares? If they love each other and the children, if they're committed to each other and the children, the children will be fine.

Let the constitution protect freedom. Vote NO! Love is love and it's what children need most.

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