Sunday, November 4, 2012

Joy in Faith ~ Delighting in God

St Patrick's Cathedral, Manhattan
I've spewed a lot of words against our current Archbishop and realize this could mislead people. I love my religion. The opening hymn at Mass this morning was "Here I Am" and as I sang (probably off-key, but God doesn't care, He gave me this voice) the chorus, "Here I am, Lord. Is it I, Lord? I have heard You calling in the night. I will go, Lord, if You lead me. I will hold Your people in my heart." I was overjoyed. If I could maintain that love for all His people that I feel in Mass, I might not have to worry when the boss calls me into a private meeting.

The Catholic religion is filled with beauty, glory, God's love. But, while the Truth is His, the organization is peopled with, well, people. The Pope is infallible on doctrinal matters, the Archbishop is not the Pope ~ nor is a state amendment Catholic doctrine.

When in doubt, I ask God for an answer, well sometimes He whomps me upside o' the head with a spiritual 2x4 ~ I can't see it but I sure can feel it. For instance, sitting in Mass, distracted by the caliber of the lector, I actually heard, out loud, "I don't see you offering to do it."and the voice was so powerful I felt the vibration. No one else around me did. I took the hint and lectored for six years. Sometimes, though, sometimes He's subtle and I can't figure out what He's saying.  I suspect that sometimes we just don't want to hear the answer, and I pray His patience holds out. We're a stubborn species.

Anyway, just because I don't always agree with the people in charge over what is God's and what is Caesar's, I'm not about to walk away from my Church. I know Christ is present in the Eucharist, I can't walk away from that. In fact, I pray that everyone will find their way back to the One True Faith. Actually, I pray that God will bring everyone home. Andrew Greeley gives a nice explanation about why Catholics stay Catholic even when disagreeing.

Chapel of the Holy Cross
Sedona, Arizona
For years, Catholics evangelized differently, some folks went around telling everyone how evil they were, "Join us or go to hell!" they said. We were odd, unique even, we evangelized by throwing a big party, with food, raffles, bingo & beer and said, "Come join us! God is loving!" We need to go back to that old school Catholic evangelism.

Catholicism has inspired so many through the centuries. Detractors complain of the time & money put into beautiful buildings not understanding why we can't pray in something utilitarian. We can, of course. God hears our prayers in cathedrals, traffic jams, schools, in cities, on mountaintops. The churches are beautiful because the God's love is beautiful. They are humble mankind's attempt to give glory to God. Also, pretty pictures in stained glass are useful for children and those with ADD, while their thoughts will hop to 34 topics in an hour, at least some of them will land on the windows & the statuary and therefore stay kinda sorta on topic.

The prayers are beautiful, too. St Thomas Aquinas wrote Tantum ergo Sacramentum, the most popular English name would be Down in Adoration Falling.  There's also the Memorare:

Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thine intercession was left unaided.
Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me.

She always answers. Sometimes you feel a little strength from her, sometimes a lot. Like any good mother, Mary only gives you as much help as you really need. There's an old joke about her that says quite a bit about how much joy there is to be found in the Catholic faith. 
One day, St. Peter approached Jesus and handed him the keys to heaven, saying, "I quit, Lord." 
Stunned, Jesus asks, "Why? You do a great job and have all the power to decide who gets in. It's up to you to keep the sinners out." 
"I know, Lord. But it's your mother, every time I turn someone away, she lets them in the back door!"

Sacre Coeur, Paris
That's what the Catholic Church is, you see.  We aren't just a religion, we are family, God's huge sprawling, brawling, loving family. That's why we want everyone to join us, we are all God's children, thus, we are all part of this loud, bossy, devout, warm family. Come to the next reunion, there's a big one every Sunday, close by and the food can't be beat.

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