Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Yom HaShoah

Today is Yom HaShoah, the Day of Holocaust Remembrance. It seems quite fitting that Irena Sendler's story was just shown on TV two nights ago. Irena was a Catholic social worker in Warsaw, who saw what was happening when the Nazi's forced the Jews into the Ghetto. She couldn't ignore it. She couldn't pretend it didn't concern her. Irena smuggled two-thousand five-hundred children out of the ghetto. This is remarkable even without considering the fact helping Jews was a capital offense. She knew there were children she could help, so she did. Irena never considered herself a heroine. She did not glory in the children she saved, rather, she mourned those she could not save.

Irena was a far better Christian than most of us today. She was concerned with right and wrong, good and evil. She was not concerned with tolerance. She knew the Nazi's were evil and did not care what their reason was. How many of us look at the world through the rose-colored glasses of tolerance? It is not right to let Ahmadinejad give an anti-Semitic speech at a conference on race. Israel has every right to exist. The Holocaust must never be forgotten nor downplayed. We cannot, in the name of tolerance, allow his intolerance. The West must let Iran know that we won't let them destroy Israel. Let us all participate in Yom HaShoah by recognizing the hateful anti-Semitism of Ahmadinejab and his cronies. Let us stand up for evil. We need to be more than deeply disappointed, we need to be outraged.

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