Monday, March 9, 2009

Robin Hood Saves the Economy! Woo hoo!

I saw a billboard for a radio station today claiming intelligent talk, or some such thing. I tuned in, and heard the most brilliant idea. The Top 1% (that is, the 3,000,000 wealthiest Americans) should give America a 15% tip. Because America has served them well, we the people, deserve 15% of their net worth. Now, I was driving and therefore, not giving my full attention to the gentleman on the radio, but I thought he said that 15% of the net worth of the top 1% was $60,000,000,000,000. If sixty trillion dollars were handed to the government to redistribute, the economy would be saved! Yeah, right. Also, when one considers that the total net worth of Americans is only $62,169,900,000,000, his math looks even goofier. The 62 trillion for the National net worth is based on the Federal Reserve -

The good news: this moron is just a caller and is not a legislator. The bad news: he's probably allowed to vote.

On a completely unrelated and totally silly note, have you ever heard of the Blue-footed Booby? It is a seabird, native to the Pacific islands and coastal areas of the Americas - as far north as California and south to Ecuador. It's sort of silly-looking (in fact, the name comes from the Spanish word for stupid) with its skinny head & body and those vivid blue feet. A co-worker has calendar with showing the blue-footed booby this month. It is a great picture. But, what really makes me smile, is my own immaturity. I have this mental picture of wind-up boobies (like chattering teeth) with bright blue web-feet. And, no, I don't mean the birds. It was bad enough, walking around work, thinking about bodacious ta-tas running around on their blue feet, trying not to grin, before I noticed something else. Multiple people have this wildlife calendar. It's getting hard to avoid. And the picture is better than I realized. One of the birds is leaning, lifting his right foot, looking for all the world like he's ripping one deadly fart. No, it isn't ladylike to think that way, but it sure makes me smile. You may think you're mature - but now that I've planted the blue-footed booby in your mind, your inner-adolescent is grinning. You're welcome.

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